I haven't posted in a few days because, well, I don't really have anything to post about.
School has started and I've been spending my days at school and settling in to my new house. I finally got a lamp and a desk, and I still need a bookshelf and a dresser (optional).
This weekend I will be in my friend's wedding and then there is no school on Monday (yay!).
But I have a TON of homework to get done.
I hope to do some painting soon. I have been journaling - pics of that to come soon.
MEANWHILE - don't forget about Destroy this Journal competition. You can still enter! It runs through the end of September.
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Saturday, August 25, 2012
[Disclaimer: If you do not like reading about or seeing needles, don't read this post.]
I had my first acupuncture treatment two days ago!
I've been having some symptoms that Western medicine has not been able to help.
Heart burn and indigestion, painful stomach cramps before #2, sinus infections, sinus pressure, post-nasal drip, hoarse voice, headaches, fatigue
I met with the specialist for about an hour, discussing symptoms, going through past medical history, etc. He was very thorough and made sure to get as much information as possible, which I thought was really great! No Western doctor I've ever been to has spent that much time with me! He spent almost an hour just discussing symptoms.
He decided to do acupuncture to address my problems with headaches and fatigue. He put needles in my temples. He also wanted to begin with trying to fix my sinus issues. So he put two needles in my face by my nose. He also put needles in my hands by my thumbs, on the inside of my arms just above my wrists and on my feet. Those on my hands and feet were supposed to address stomach issues and lung issues (asthma).
He also prescribed an herbal mixture that I'm supposed to drink 3 times a day after meals. This is a combination of herbal treatments mixed together - some to address stomach issues (heartburn and stomach aches) and there is something in there that is supposed to help reduce the lump in my breast. (He says that his wife had lumps in her breasts and after she did this particular treatment for a little bit, the lumps completely disappeared.)
Like I said, I had my first appointment two days ago, but I can already notice a difference. I started the herbal tea drink right away and have had much success in the stomach ache department. I had my first two days of classes and have felt energized and happy all day.
I have high hopes for this Chinese herbal medicine and acupuncture! I think it is going to be successful! I plan to continue and at this point I would recommend it to others. I have some friends who get frequent migraines. Aside from making healthy food choices, which in my opinion would help more than anything with headaches, I would highly recommend acupuncture and/or Chinese herbal medicine to them.
I had my first acupuncture treatment two days ago!
I've been having some symptoms that Western medicine has not been able to help.
Heart burn and indigestion, painful stomach cramps before #2, sinus infections, sinus pressure, post-nasal drip, hoarse voice, headaches, fatigue
I met with the specialist for about an hour, discussing symptoms, going through past medical history, etc. He was very thorough and made sure to get as much information as possible, which I thought was really great! No Western doctor I've ever been to has spent that much time with me! He spent almost an hour just discussing symptoms.
He decided to do acupuncture to address my problems with headaches and fatigue. He put needles in my temples. He also wanted to begin with trying to fix my sinus issues. So he put two needles in my face by my nose. He also put needles in my hands by my thumbs, on the inside of my arms just above my wrists and on my feet. Those on my hands and feet were supposed to address stomach issues and lung issues (asthma).
"What did I get myself into???"
(The needles did not hurt. I felt a pinch when he initially inserted them and I could feel him wiggling them around, but once he let go, I could not feel a thing The ones on my right hand and left foot were painful when he put them in but after he let go I could not feel them.)
He also prescribed an herbal mixture that I'm supposed to drink 3 times a day after meals. This is a combination of herbal treatments mixed together - some to address stomach issues (heartburn and stomach aches) and there is something in there that is supposed to help reduce the lump in my breast. (He says that his wife had lumps in her breasts and after she did this particular treatment for a little bit, the lumps completely disappeared.)
Like I said, I had my first appointment two days ago, but I can already notice a difference. I started the herbal tea drink right away and have had much success in the stomach ache department. I had my first two days of classes and have felt energized and happy all day.
I have high hopes for this Chinese herbal medicine and acupuncture! I think it is going to be successful! I plan to continue and at this point I would recommend it to others. I have some friends who get frequent migraines. Aside from making healthy food choices, which in my opinion would help more than anything with headaches, I would highly recommend acupuncture and/or Chinese herbal medicine to them.
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Birthday and Bachelorette
This past weekend I had my birthday... I turned old. I also spent the weekend with my friend for her bachelorette party. We spent the weekend in Santa Barbara. It was so beautiful. Before that, like literally the day before, I moved to San Jose! Here are some pictures I took with Instagram along the way!
Getting ready to pack all my belongings into the car...
Road trip!
Mid-Road Trip Nap @ Mission Bay
One of the nicest bathrooms in a WALMART I've ever seen!
Remembering the beautiful flowers Peter sent me for my birthday last year. They were soooo beautiful! Peruvian Lilies, I believe.
The future bride and I
Driving in to Santa Barbara (that's the ocean in the background)
Pelican, brief...
Awesome ceiling fans at a winery near Santa Barbara
OMG this restaurant/cafe is amazing. And it's adorable inside. If you're ever in Santa Barbara, this is a must!
This was the cutest succulent, and I think the photo turned out pretty good!
School starts tomorrow! Aaaah!
Monday, August 20, 2012
Peruvian kids singing
Many of you know that 2 summers ago I spent 6 weeks in Peru on a mission trip. These kids are from the village of San Francisco... I'm not exactly sure what they are singing about. If you don't give them money they keep singing and follow you all the way to the end of the dock back to your boat. Luckily we had a few Soles (money) on hand. :)
Monday, August 13, 2012
Be inspired!
I slacked off on posting art journal challenges last week while I was in Florida. But we shall begin anew this week!
This week's theme is all about finding inspiration. What inspires you to be good at something? What inspires you creatively, artistically, musically? How do you find that inspiration? Once you've found it, how do you execute it?
I challenge you to journal about your inspirational process. If you have an art journal, this might mean taking pictures of your loves and then painting them - family, food, nature, etc. If you don't have an art journal, it might mean writing several pages of thoughts and dreams, goals and steps to achieve them. Whatever it is for you, be like Nike and "just do it!"
I'd love to see what you come up with! Email me at alonewithmytea (at) gmail (dot) com. Subject: Inspiration
Be sure to include some pictures!
What inspires you?
This watercolor painting was inspired by one of Katie's scarves. It looks nothing like her scarf, but that's ok. All that matters is that it sparked my creativity!
Sunday, August 12, 2012
I spent the last two weeks in Florida with my parents and little sister. We were there on a semi-vacation but mostly to help my sister Katie through her second chemo treatment. Here are some Instagram pictures I took along the way.
Friday, August 10, 2012
"Art-day Friday" - Artists that Inspire
Note: This is the first of a series I'm starting about artists and art that inspires me. I am in no way receiving compensation or recognition from the artists or anyone else affiliated with him/her or his/her website. I simply love the art and want to share it with anyone who reads my blog in hopes that you'll be inspired, too!
Art-day Friday:
Artists That Inspire Me
Artists That Inspire Me
Alisa Burke
I have been following Alisa Burke's blog for almost a year. I love her aesthetic. Her blog posts contain her sketchbook pages, photo inspiration, art ideas, etc.
My favorite post of hers is from this past Monday, she answers frequently asked questions, shows how she uses various materials, videos on process, etc.... Take a look, you'll be glad you did!
From Alisa's blog:
From Alisa's blog:
Alisa's blog header
Her supplies
Thursday, August 9, 2012
Someone-ness - poetry
I love the poet E. E. Cummings. There was a time when I was trying to write in his style, but of course I'll never be as good. But isn't that how musicians, artists, poets, etc develop their own style? By studying and copying others before branching out and adding their own flavor to things? Maybe, maybe not... Either way, here's a poem I wrote 6 years ago, yet the words have so much more meaning now that Peter is in my life! (Cue the "awwwws" and, more likely, eye rolls...)
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
Baking with Lilly
We have done some baking while here in FL. So far we have made cupcakes for Lilly's bday, Rice Krispy Treats, gluten-free brownies, and here is us making a gluten-free chocolate cake! Are we the best aunts ever, or what?!
Tuesday, August 7, 2012
Going back
It's official. I'm going back to finish my Master's. Two semesters left. It's now or never.
I am beginning to think maybe God has me going back for a specific reason, something I don't know yet... I can't quite describe it, but I know that I don't want to go back, yet all the doors have been opened, everything has worked out so perfectly, that I think maybe He has a reason that is beyond my current understanding... Anyway, it is happening.
I am beginning to think maybe God has me going back for a specific reason, something I don't know yet... I can't quite describe it, but I know that I don't want to go back, yet all the doors have been opened, everything has worked out so perfectly, that I think maybe He has a reason that is beyond my current understanding... Anyway, it is happening.
Sunday, August 5, 2012
Love Note
This makes me smile.
I received this love note from "Peter" last Christmas... How romantic!
I received this love note from "Peter" last Christmas... How romantic!
Saturday, August 4, 2012
Art Journal - Nature - and mini tutorial
I bought a new multimedia notebook to use for the Destroy this Journal event. It was ugly, so I had to decorate the front cover! Consider this my installment of this week's art journal challenge.
This week's theme is "nature," so I put a flower on it. :)
This week's theme is "nature," so I put a flower on it. :)
Supplies needed: Notebook, Decorative paper, Scissors, Glue
Step 1: Cut out ribbons from decorative paper (this package was 50% off at Hobby Lobby)
Step 2: Glue ribbons to notebook cover
Step 3: Use Sharpee or black paint on the remainder of the cover. I was dumb and should have put down a black background before gluing the ribbons. So I had to compensate with Sharpee. :(
Steps 4 - 5: Cut out petals from decorative paper. Glue Petals in the shape of a flower.
Step 6: Destroy the journal. In other words, use it up, every page, every spare inch, write, draw, paint, color, make lists, put down thoughts, write letters to your future self, express yourself...
Have you started your art journal yet?
Friday, August 3, 2012
Katie's journey through breast cancer
One of my sisters, Katie, is currently going through breast cancer treatment. She had a mastectomy and is now going through chemo. She is blogging about her journey here:
Katie is the wife of Mark and the mom of 3 young kids. She has many medical bills, in addition to multiple supplements that she is taking to keep her body healthy during the chemo process and hopefully prevent the spread of the disease. If you feel like helping out financially, you'll find a PayPal Donate button on the top of the right sidebar of her blog. Every little bit counts.
Thursday, August 2, 2012
Destroy a Journal - Competition
I stumbled across this interesting "competition" while reading the blog of one of the girls that I was paired with for The Elevated Envelope.
Basically the premise of this competition is to completely "destroy" a journal. Personal interpretation is encouraged. Fill it with words, thoughts, drawings, collages, paint, fabric, anything that you want to use to express yourself... Consider this a continuation of the art journal challenge I posted about. But if you enter this competition, you might win a prize! Also, all participants get discounts at various web stores.
I am not receiving any compensation for blogging about this. I just thought it was such a fun concept! Let me know if you are going to do it! :)

Basically the premise of this competition is to completely "destroy" a journal. Personal interpretation is encouraged. Fill it with words, thoughts, drawings, collages, paint, fabric, anything that you want to use to express yourself... Consider this a continuation of the art journal challenge I posted about. But if you enter this competition, you might win a prize! Also, all participants get discounts at various web stores.
I am not receiving any compensation for blogging about this. I just thought it was such a fun concept! Let me know if you are going to do it! :)

Wednesday, August 1, 2012
Update: Summer To-Do List
Summer To-Do List
1. GET A TAN! I've been pasty white for almost 2 years. I need a healthy dose of sunshine! Did not get much of a tan to speak of. Well, slightly, but not much.
(This might happen today. From google search)
2. Organize, sort, get rid of stuff, pack up my life. Organized music, but nothing else. Have not packed anything, yet. I'm saving it all for the three free days when I get back from vacation.
3. Try to finish Form and Analysis workbook. I can't believe I wasn't required to take this class in Undergrad! My goal is to finish the book on my own and then hopefully the head of "Music Systems" (Theory) will waive the remedial requirement. Did not finish Form and Analysis workbook. Hmmm. No excuse for that, except that I just didn't want to...
4. Plan, design, build my new website with Peter. (More details to come soon, will require lots of collaboration with YOU and others! You'll love it! Stay tuned!) Not much accomplished on the new website idea. Not sure if I'm going to follow through with it... Basically, I wanted to make a website full of inexpensive date ideas, a site where people can submit their own ideas and pictures, as well as be able to search for date ideas based on which city they are in. But I'm not sure how successful it will be. What do you think? Should I pursue it?
From google search
5. Find an apartment/roommates in SJ. I did find a place to live in SJ! So that's pretty much the one thing I actually accomplished.
This is not where I'll be living. From Google search.
6. Have fun and try not to stress about the future! I have had fun. But I have still stressed a lot about the future!
Having fun
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